This Critical Areas (Flood) Subset of the Surface Water Record shows areas of expanded surface water during recent flooding, and as mapped by NASA's two MODIS sensors. Satellite-observed water areas are accumulated over 10 days to remove obscuration by cloud cover.
Red indicates land flooded during this accumulation period. Light red is flooding mapped recently: in the current year. Light blue areas include all land observed to be inundated by flooding, 2000 to the present year. Dark blue is the reference water (February, 2000, from theShuttle Radar Topography Mission Water Body data).
Error notes: 1) In mountainous regions, some terrain shadows are mistaken for surface water in our current algorithm. We are working to reduce such noise. 2) Reservoirs and impoundments constructed since yr 2000 appear permanently in red.
Any clickable black dots on these displays link to satellite river measurement sites. For the most recent MODIS-based surface water available, see the NASA NRT Experimental Flood Maps. Recent GIS data (daily surface water information) from the automated MODIS-LANCE NRT processor are located at . GIS data (MapInfo format) of the long term record of flooding are also available: at this location. Finally, see the technical description, and download Geotif files or the KMZ version for GoogleEarth.
Cite this online map publication as: Brakenridge, G. R. and Kettner, A., date of access, "Critical Areas of the Dartmouth Flood Observatory Surface Water Record', Area Name, web address.
(counting since May 17, 2012)