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Sri Lanka Surface Water Record

Flood Version. Move to Drought Version (if available)

Dark Blue is the most recent water imaged and mapped (date provided in legend).

Light Blue is a reference surface water (date provided in legend).

Medium (younger) and light (older) reds are previously mapped flooding, by year.

Click on the white dots for experimental River Watch satellite-based estimated river discharge, 2002-present.

Rapid Response Inundation Maps for Sri Lanka

Powerpoint record of this display

GIS data for this display are located at: http://floodobservatory.colorado.edu/GISdata/. See http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/subsets/ for geographic location of the MODIS 250 m 721 image subsets used to create the surface water extent files. The GISdata directory is organized to match these subsets. MODIS data are from NASA/GSFC, MODIS Rapid Response. See this link for brief technical description of our water mapping procedure.

Please cite: G. R. Brakenridge, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, University of Colorado, USA