River and Reservoir Watch Version 4.5
River Discharge and Reservoir Storage Changes Using Satellite Microwave Radiometry Location of this Satellite Gauging Reach
This SGR records changing lake extent, not discharge or runoff Ton Le Sap Center: 104.31 Long. Signal/Noise: 15.2
GFDS Area ID: 226 Cambodia Center: 13.139 Lat. Very Good
GEE Time Lapse WorldView Time Lapse Learn more about this river Not Actual! 758957 sq km WBM contributing area
Last measured: 12-Mar-25 Use discharge values to indicate  relative lake area.
Discharge: #N/A m3/sec Status: #N/A (1, low; 2, normal flow; 3, moderate flood, r >1.5 y; 4, major flood, r >5 y)
7-day Runoff #N/A mm #N/A (7-day runoff compared to 20 y average for this date, 2002-2021)
Flood Magnitude: #N/A Scale of 0-10 Flood Magnitude Defined Technical Summary
Notes: 4-day forward weighted moving average is applied. Geolocation correction, commencing April 1, 2012: 0
Low flow is 20th percentile discharge for this day, 2003-2013. Use "discharge" values as relative lake area extent
Notes: Log Pearson Type III is used to compute recurrence intervals from 22 years of record (1998-2019)
Mean discharge 4549 m3/s
Annual Area  (percent of mean, 1998-2021) Mean Runoff 170 mm
Major Floods
10 = Flood of Record
Protected Under United States Copyright Law Access to Data
Sample Citation: Brakenridge, G. R., Kettner, A. J., Paris, S., Cohen, S., Nghiem, S. V. , River and Reservoir Watch Version 4.5,
DFO Flood Observatory, University of Colorado, USA. http://floodobservatory.colorado.edu/ SiteDisplays/ 20.htm (Accessed 20 February 2023).
    Coefficients of Polynomial or Linear Rating Curve used:     364260.59 -774964.91 411282.39  
    x^4 x^3 x^2 x +