Location of this Satellite Gauging Reach


Medium blue: DFO Maximum Observed Flooding, all sensors, 1993 to present

Light blue: Landsat maximum water over 37 years and DFO Mean Annual Flood. Much of this land floods nearly every year.

Dark blue: NASA Shuttle Water Boundary Data (winter, 2000).

Red: NASA SWOT River Reaches.

Black rectangle: the gauging reach.

The River Watch passive microwave radiometry (PMR) signal records changing water surface area within this SGR (black square): the "M" pixel.

The SGR is .09 x .09 degrees latitude and longitude in size or (at low and middle latitudes) approximately 10 x 10 km.

Each day, the GFDS at the European Commission's Joint Research Center automatically chooses driest pixel comparison values from a 22 x 22 pixel array surrounding this measurement pixel (the "C" values). The resulting M/C ratio is the water area monitoring signal used in the River Watch time series.

Notes for this SGR: 1) Two tributary junctions may affect discharge results. 2) Significant areas of the SGR are flooded nearly every year.

Information on River Watch observation method


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