Location of this Satellite Gauging Reach

Medium blue: DFO Maximum Observed Flooding, all sensors, 1993 to present

Light blue: Landsat maximum water over 37 years and DFO Mean Annual Flood. Much of this land floods nearly every year.

Dark blue: NASA Shuttle Water Boundary Data (winter, 2000).

Red: NASA SWOT River Reaches.

Black rectangle: the gauging reach.

The River Watch passive microwave radiometry (PMR) signal records changing water surface area within this SGR (black square): the "M" pixel.

The SGR is .09 x .09 degrees latitude and longitude in size or (at low and middle latitudes) approximately 10 x 10 km.

Each day, the GFDS at the European Commission's Joint Research Center automatically chooses driest pixel comparison values from a 22 x 22 pixel array surrounding this measurement pixel (the "C" values). The resulting M/C ratio is the water area monitoring signal used in the River Watch time series.

Notes for this SGR: 1) There is limited flow area expansion along this large river during flooding. 2) The PMR signal does, however, sensitively monitor flow area changes and floodng.

Information on River Watch observation method


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