DFO 2003-259

Flooding: 10/27/03 - 10/31/03

Southeastern Brazil - Rio Grande Do Sul State - Jacui River and tributaries

Detailed Locations:
Southeastern Brazil - Rio Grande Do Sul State -

Jacui River and tributaries. Upper Ibicui River.

No News reports, may be seasonal flooding. Detected by moniotring MODIS data on October 27 (Jacui River was low on October 24). Additional observations: October 28 with slightly lower levels; October 30 still lower levels. By November 3 flooding has receded.

Dead: no data Displaced: no data Damages: no data Affected Region ( sq km): 73,220 Severity Class* : 1 Flood Magnitude**: 1.9 MODIS flood inundation limit file names***:


Map preparation and image analysis: Elaine Anderson

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