Detailed Locations:
Northwestern Nigeria - Sokoto State (Goronyo)
Southern Niger - Dosso, Tahouna, Tillaberi and Zinder regions
Sokoto, Niger
No news reports, may be seasonal flooding, although "Exceptional
Heavy Rainfall" in the Sahel started in May. Seven dead and
30,000 "affected" in southern Niger by floods in July.
News reports of flood damage to crops in Goronyo, Sokoto on September
High levels on the Sokoto River first observed by monitoring MODIS
imagery in mid July, and again on August 5; water levels were much
higher when first good data obtained on August 9 and 11. Additional
MODIS observations of high levels on the Sokoto and Niger rivers
on August 9, 18, 19, 27. September 1, 3, 5, 10, 17, 19, 21, 26 and
October 3, 5, 7. Flooding receded on the upper Sokoto river first
observed on October 3, 5, 7.